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GPS Tracking



Law enforcement teams have used various tracking technologies over the years, but GPS tracking stands out as both the most affordable and the most reliable.

Because GPSTrackIt.com/’s Fleet Management software solution relies on a network of satellites and not cellular towers, officers can count on consistent coverage, even in the most remote locations. An intuitive interface also makes it easy for officers in the field to pursue suspects or monitor behavior from a distance when necessary.

Giving law enforcement officers the most effective and reliable tools is essential for ensuring that they have the resources they need to do their jobs.

Six Reasons Smart Policing Should Use GPS Tracking

Whether calling for backup or keeping an eye on a team in the field, GPS vehicle tracking provides several benefits for law enforcement and other first responders:

  • Real-time location technology enables dispatchers to identify the closest officer when an emergency call comes in. Simply enter the address and the GPS tracking system identifies the closest vehicle and provides the most efficient route. Dispatchers will increase response times and lower fuel expenses.
  • Immediate updates during pursuits enables dispatchers and team leaders to monitor all vehicles while pursuing a suspect so tactical decisions can be made on the fly. In a multi-vehicle pursuit, the entire team can see where the rest of the vehicles are located to ensure all bases are covered.
  • Historical data provides accurate, objective records that show where a vehicle was located at any given time, whether it was moving, and how long it stayed in a particular location. These reports can be invaluable when presented in court as evidence.
  • Remote management allows for the set up of alerts and monitoring of activity from headquarters, dispatch centers, or mobile devices from the field.
  • Reliable geo-location enhances calls for backup support, better enabling teams to arrive when needed, where needed, in time to make a difference. Real-time mapping with GPS allows backup teams to know where they are headed are at all times, even if the lead vehicles are in motion.

GPSTrackIt offers a range of GPS tracking solutions to support law enforcement. GPS Tracking help decision makers select the devices that make the most sense for departmental needs and get up to speed on all features available. Contact us today and a Fleet Advisor will help you evaluate your needs.

Credited by:https://gpstrackit.com/blog/six-benefits-of-gps-tracking-for-law-enforcement/